Maria Loboda’s Nobody could explain this, that’s the way it was, having spent the week appearing in various locations on Stromboli arrived at Museo Madre in Naples on the final morning of the festival.
A sedan chair whose interior contained objects left behind —bleached animal bones, some sketches, slippers and some tablets — had appeared like a vision each day, alluding to a mysterious presence that seemed to follow the participants and audience around for the duration of the festival.
Camille Henrot’s show, Luna di Latte - exploring the perpetual motion of the moon and its silent but ever present affects on our planet, ourselves, our moods, our imagination and our history, as well as its mystery and melancholy – was on show inside the museum. We took our time to view the collages, drawings and sculptures before sharing a breakfast together, now in a mood conducive to reflecting on the events of the previous week…
With a sinking feeling we began to leave, each of us to make our way back to where we had come from, back to where we had once belonged…
The daily announcements had been posted on the wall in the courtyard… reminding us in these final moments that Nobody could explain this, that’s the way it was.
All photographs by Amedeo Benestante