Limited Edition Neapolitan Deck of Cards // SAGG NAPOLI // SAGG SCOPA FAT // Lezioni d’Italiano #8

To mark the end of the collaboration with SAGG NAPOLI, Fiorucci Art Trust has produced a limited edition of 90 decks of Scopa cards, + 10 AP.

March 2020 – November 2020

Location: online



SAGG NAPOLI’s deck of Neapolitan Scopa playing cards are finally available to be purchased in a limited edition of 90, + 10 AP, each being sold for £ 44 (shipping cost included). 65% of the proceeds will go to the artist’s organisation of choice: Movimento Migranti e Rifugiati Napoli (Naples Migrants and Refugees Movement). Despite the collaboration being durational, these cards will continue to provide entertainment; whether you decide to play the game or explore the satirical and erotic illustrations by Jane Donna emblazoned on each. With the word ‘Scopa’ itself meaning ‘broom’ or ‘to fuck’, these cards will make the perfect cheeky and intimate gift as we approach the season of giving. The 40 individual designs on the cards are a direct artistic reflection of SAGG NAPOLI’s genius, as she uses a game that has transcended time to reflect on notions of intimacy and sexuality.

The edition is available at the following link: 

Since its launch in March 2020, Lesson #8, SAGG SCOPA FAT by SAGG NAPOLI was entirely held on social media and digital platforms. This included a series of home-made videos and virtual events produced by the artist and her friends which featured principally on the @fiorucciartrust Instagram page. As many of us have endeavoured to find new and creative ways to spend our time, enduring games such as Scopa have stood the test of time; as it’s taught and retaught from generation to generation. Card games are a way for us to connect with our loved ones, SAGG NAPOLI embodies this in a short three-minute demonstration of the game given by her nonna. Additionally, the cards have been used in the ancient art of fortune telling; with each category indicating a different prophecy. The artist’s own rules, which she calls ‘The Hexagon Method’, are available at the following link. As we’ve spent more time indoors this year, this collaboration comes at a perfect time, as it explores memory and collective experiences.

About the Movement  

Movimento Migranti e Rifugiati Napoli (Naples Migrants and Refugees Movement), will be receiving 65% of the profits made from the sales of SAGG SCOPA FAT. The political organisation, based in Naples, is an anti-racist movement which fights for solidarity while acknowledging the struggles faced by migrants and refugees. The organisation believes everyone has the right to a fair salary, a roof over their heads, access to medical care, education and culture. Movimento Migranti e Rifugiati Napoli strives to explain laws and how these perpetuate injustices and immoral repercussions against migrants and refugees, groups which are often overlooked and ignored by society. This includes those affected by trafficking, domestic violence, exploitation of labour, political persecution etc of marginalised populations. Although Movimento Migranti e Rifugiati Napoli might seem like an organisation which fights for the few, their organisation aids a vast number of people who are unjustly and unconstitutionally treated.