In the spirit of Swing Projects Anna Blessmann and Peter Saville’s contribution is intended to be practical, collaborative and performative.
In anticipation of the environment they have chosen to use sun-umbrellas as our medium. A number of parasols will be brought to Stromboli to use as the canvas for works made during their stay in response to the location, its light and colour. Then, when used by fellow participants and visitors these sun-umbrellas will add a new choreography of shape and colour to the landscape.

Walking from the Locanda del Barbablù to the House of the Extravaganza.

Installation view.

On the cliffs in front of La Lunatica.
Photos by Anna Blessmann.

Sunset at Lazzaro, Ginostra.


Artist Anna Blessmann and designer Peter Saville met in a gallery in Berlin in 2001 and soon started to collaborate on works shown at Hotel London, Paul Stolper London, CRAC Alsace, Migros Museum Zurich and in various publications. In 2010 they presented ‘Swing Project 1’ in the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims and in 2012 ‘Swing Project 2’ in Gallery Neu, Berlin. They live and work together in London.